Rhino Photos

When I went to Africa I really wanted to see a Rhino. The Rhino is not the rarest but it is quite rare because of poaching. When we were in the car going to a lookout there were some people there saying that there were some rhinos. We looked and because it was so far we had to use binoculars or I used the camera as binoculars. When we were looking through the binoculars we were able to see that there were 7 rhinos resting in the sun. It was hard to tell if it was a white rhino or a black rhino. It was so amazing to see a wild rhino for the first time in my life. That was the first time we saw the rhinos. We saw another rhino that was only 20 meters away from us. I was able to get some good photos on the rhino that was close. Sadly it was like right behind some big bushes and trees so we had to get a good angle for the photo. The rhino I had identified if it was a black or white rhino with my Southern African animal book. I identified that it was a white rhino because of the lip and shape of the body. Seeing the rhinos was such an amazing moment while seeing endangered animals that could be extinct in 10 years. I felt that it was lucky to see this animal in the wild with its habitat.