Cheetah Photos

On my trip to Africa, I saw many different types of animals. But by far my favorite was the cheetah. We only saw the cheetah once. But that time we saw the cheetah it was an amazing moment. For the whole trip, we wanted to see the cheetah. That day when we were driving we saw many cars up ahead. So we drove to see what was happening. This guy told us there were four cheetahs sitting and resting. Once we further realized the cheetah was actually stalking on two impalas. After a few minutes BANG! The cheetahs were running extremely fast and before we knew it one of the cheetahs had the impala’s neck in its mouth. Those two minutes were one of the best times of my life. When the cheetah was eating we could see blood all over the face and the impala was swinging all over. A few minutes later a swarm of vultures started flying around and sitting on the trees. There were hundreds of them. What surprised me about that was how quickly the vultures came and knew exactly where the kill was. This was a surprising and amazing moment for me. I hope you liked to hear about my experience with the cheetahs.